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Feng Shui is more than just furniture placement!

It also incorporates strategic elements such as colors, patterns, fabrics, lighting, the 5 elements and so much more!

A Glimpse at a Few Core Feng Shui Concepts

Chi (or Qi) – Life Force Energy
Existing everywhere, it is the term that refers to all forms of
energy and its flow and is considered the universal energy
between heaven and earth. It is the movement of life force energy
within our living space or body, which can affect our well being
either auspiciously or inauspiciously. Feng Shui concerns itself
with the movement and containment of qi/chi to create the most
beneficial support for a person in their environment.
5 Elements – Energetic Earth Tools
The Elements are Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. Interaction
between these elements and qi/chi form the foundation theory
for achieving Feng Shui balance. There are at least three cycles
affecting the five types of qi/chi represented by these elements.
Each element exists in a yin and yang form and governs a specific
aspect of life.
Bagua – The Eight Houses
A diagram akin to the Chinese flowchart for the cyclical energies
of the manifested universe, originating from the I Ching and the
Lo Shu. It consists of eight external houses (guas) and a central
one called the Tai Ji, (Tai Chi) a symbol denoting a perfect balance
of the flowing energies of yin and yang, and also representing
Earth. Each of the eight houses is named by a trigram, and points
to a specific direction, number, element, season, color, body
organ, family member, symbol, location and other life aspects in
resonance with that trigram sector. The Bagua can be drawn in
many different forms and is an indispensable tool in most schools
of Feng Shui.

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